Obamacare Is a Victory for African Americans

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The health and social benefits of Obamacare are expected to be exponential for African Americans, Earl Ofari Hutchinson writes at his Hutchinson Report News blog. So efforts by House Republicans to block implementation of the law for a year are emblematic of the party's extensive race problems.

Studies have found that when blacks do receive [medical] treatment, the care they receive is more likely to be substandard to that of whites. Reports indicate that even when blacks are enrolled in high quality health plans, the racial gap in the care and quality of medical treatment still remains low. Meanwhile, private insurers have routinely cherry picked the healthiest and most financially secure patients in order to bloat profits and hold down costs. American medical providers spend twice as much per patient than providers in countries with universal health care, and they provide lower quality for the grossly inflated dollars. Patients pay more in higher insurance premiums, co-payments, fees and other hidden health costs.

It's been a perfect storm mix of politics, race, and ignorance and fear that has driven the GOP's mania to dump Obamacare. It's included every slander, lie, and false flag, countless votes and threats to defund the Act and a crude attempt at blackmail to shut down the whole government over it. The politics is the claim that this is big government intrusiveness since it allegedly whipsawed Americans into buying insurance and that it was too costly, too overburdening on businesses, and supposedly too unpopular with a majority of Americans.

Read Earl Ofari Hutchinson's entire piece at Hutchinson Report News.

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