In what seems like a last-minute Hail Mary attempt to get young people to the voting booths in November, the Obama White House is shedding light on the facets of his economic policies that have and will help millennials.
President Barack Obama gave a speech Thursday to young entrepreneurs in Santa Monica, Calif., reminding them of how he’s striven to make college more affordable and how his policies have extended the age limit so that young people can stay on their parents’ health care plans longer.
An Associated Press report describes how the Obama White House recalls the key role young voters played in getting him elected in 2008 and 2012. It also remembers what happened when young people didn’t show up during the nonpresidential contests of the past few years.
“Many millennials supported Obama in 2008 and 2012 but sat out the midterm election in 2010 that shifted control of the House of Representative [sic] to Republicans. White House officials say Democrats in close Senate contests must mobilize these voters to win and retain control of the Senate,” the news site explains.
The White House released a report underscoring how committed it is to analyzing and helping young people get on solid ground financially.
On Wednesday the White House released a 49-page report written by Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers that details millennials’ role in the current economy and how those policies affect them.
According to AP, the report notes that the “uninsured among millennials has fallen 13.2 percent since the new health care law took effect in 2010, largely due to a provision that allows young people to remain on their parents’ health insurance until age 26.”
The report also explained how especially vulnerable young people have been because of the economy. “Because many entered the job market during the Great Recession, their early adult lives have been shaped by the experience of establishing their careers at a time when economic opportunities are relatively scarce,” AP reports.
Read more at the Associated Press.