CBS News is reporting that President Obama signed historic legislation Wednesday morning repealing the 17-year-old "Don't ask, don't tell" policy that banned gay men and women from serving openly in the military. Obama hailed the bill as one that will "strengthen our national security and uphold the ideals that our fighting men and women risk their lives to defend. No longer will our country be denied the service of thousands of patriotic Americans who were forced the leave the military, regardless of their skills, no matter their bravery or their zeal … because they happen to be gay." He continued, "No longer will tens of thousands of Americans in uniform be asked to live a lie." The president has delivered on his promise to repeal the ban, saying "It's the right thing to do. Period."
Critics were frustrated with President Obama, saying that he was moving too slowly on gay-rights issues. What we're learning from watching this president is that change is a process and it will happen in due time. You've heard the saying "Patience is a virtue"? It is in full effect at the Obama administration.
Read more at CBS News.