Obama Likes Ray Kelly; the Internet Disapproves

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(The Root) — The Internet is sounding off about President Obama's recent endorsement of New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly as a candidate to head the Department of Homeland Security. It's a controversial move, given Kelly's high profile as a staunch supporter and promoter of New York’s stop-and-frisk policy. Many see Obama's lauding of Kelly as tacit approval of Kelly's implementation of racial profiling. Obama referred to Kelly as "an outstanding leader" who has done "an extraordinary job in New York."

To show their displeasure with Obama's comments, some folks are signing an online petition to instead make R&B singer R. Kelly the head of Homeland Security, saying that even he would be a better choice than Ray Kelly.

Check out the hilarious petition here, and see what other people are saying below.


Obama really wants to hire Ray Kelly. I swear yo. Come on down @HillaryClinton !! cc @ReadyForHillary #TeamHillaryClinton

— Marva Albert (@NFLGoodwitch) July 19, 2013


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Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.