Obama Didn't Tell Gays to 'Stop Complaining'

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Obama didn't tell gays to "stop complaining": Time's Steven Gray says that the president's message to a gay-advocacy group, the Human Rights Campaign, could not have been more different from his speech to the Congressional Black Caucus, delivered just seven days earlier. At the CBC, he offered pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps talk and ended with this: "Take off your bedroom slippers, put on your marching shoes … Stop complaining. Stop grumbling, stop crying." Meanwhile, his message to HRC assured the group that they shouldn't have to be patient.

Seven-year-old found in diaper in basement: Police alerted by a concerned neighbor who heard crying from the basement of his Scranton, N.J., home, found the child wearing only a T-shirt and a diaper. He told police he was locked in the basement as punishment after school and had been frequently locked inside a coffin. There is a warrant for his parents' arrest, CNN reports.

Hank Williams Jr. apologizes for remarks comparing Obama to Hitler: Williams, on his website Tuesday, said that his comparison of President Obama to Hitler was "a Dumb statement and I am very Sorry if it offended anyone."


50 Cent's children's book tackles bullying: Read the first few chapters of the autobiographical novel at Entertainment Weekly. 

In other news: First African American to Head Josephites.