Obama Calls the Cops on Drilling Oversight Agency

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by Jonathan Capehart

President Obama didn't speak long. Just about 15 minutes. But he got his points across. BP is footing the bill for the worst environmental disaster in the nation's history. Removal of the oil from the water, beaches and wetlands and their restoration to health is a must. Reviving the seafood industry is paramount. And there was his call for passage of a comprehensive energy and climate bill to finally wean the U.S. off fossil fuels. And these points were delivered with all the drama an Oval Office address can muster.

But the announcement of Michael Bromwich as the new head of the Minerals Management Service gives me hope that things will finally turn around. True, as Juliet Eilperin pointed out, "He has little past experience with oil and gas issues." But what Bromwich lacks in that arena he more than makes up for in turning around troubled organizations. After reading Bromwich's bio, I'm convinced the president has hired a cop. And a damned good one.


Read more of Jonathan Capehart's blog entry at the Post's PostPartisan blog.