President Barack Obama is a lot of things.
He is a charmer. He is the husband of the most famous woman in the world. He is a father.
He is also a Black man.
So when the Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Donald Trump, a new book by Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at The Atlantic, claims that the first Black president in the history of ever called former President Donald Trump a “corrupt motherfucker,” a “madman,” a “racist, sexist pig,” and a “f—-ing lunatic,” I 100 percent believe it.
First because not a lie is detected, and, secondly, Obama plays basketball. There is a lot of shit talking in basketball. Thirdly, all of it is the truth.
Obama tried to ignore the orange bag of sherbert extract in office as much as he could. After he left office, he barely said the man’s name. By the time the 2020 presidential election had come around, Obama, much like the rest of us, was tired of Trump’s shit.
From the Guardian:
“He’s a madman,” Dovere reports Obama telling “big donors looking to squeeze a reaction out of him in exchange for the big checks they were writing to his foundation”.
“More often: ‘I didn’t think it would be this bad.’ Sometimes: ‘I didn’t think we’d have a racist, sexist pig.’ Depending on the outrage of the day … a passing ‘that fucking lunatic’ with a shake of his head.”
Obama’s strongest remark, Dovere reports, was prompted by reports that Trump was speaking to foreign leaders – including Vladimir Putin, amid the investigation of Russian election interference and links between Trump and Moscow – without any aides on the call.
“‘That corrupt motherfucker,’ he remarked.”
Goddamn, I love this man. Also, isn’t this exactly how you’d think the former president would speak when he’s not in front of cameras?
Let’s face it; the two men aren’t friends and they never will be. In fact, I think it’s safe to say that one of them hates the other and the other one, Obama, doesn’t even think about NeNe Trump. But for some reason, Trump just couldn’t keep the former two-term president’s name out of his mouth.
From Business Insider:
Trump has long had an antagonistic relationship with Obama, from Trump’s promotion of the birther conspiracy theory that sought to question the first Black president’s citizenship to his repeated efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, Obama’s signature domestic-policy legislation.
Dovere reported that Obama was keener on Trump becoming president than GOP Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, mostly because he thought Trump wasn’t as clever as the Princeton- and Harvard Law-educated Cruz.
I’d have to agree here. Trump is a controlled lunatic, while Fat Wolverine, aka Ted Cruz, is a calculated one. I mean, don’t get me wrong; I wouldn’t trust either of them to save the planet if they were looking at a one-digit-addition-only math test but sometimes you have to take your chances.