Obama Answers Michael Jordan’s Golf Dis

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Last month Michael Jordan threw some serious shade during an interview with Ahmad Rashad when President Barack Obama’s name came up as the two talked about golf. Rashad asked Jordan what his ideal golf foursome would be and was intrigued about Obama being part of it.

“I’ve never played with Obama,” Jordan said. “But I would.”

But he quickly changed his mind. “No, that’s OK,” Jordan said. “He’s a hack. … I never said he wasn’t a great politician. I’m just saying he’s a s—tty golfer.”

In the words of Lil’ Kim, Jordan doesn’t throw shade if he can’t get paid. And that was some serious shade throwing. Obviously, Jordan knows something about the president’s golf skills, or lack thereof.


Well, the president didn’t let Jordan’s comments slide. On Monday, in an interview with Wisconsin’s WJMR-FM, Obama got in a few shady comments of his own.


“Michael wasn't very well informed about this,” Obama stated. “I think he might've just been trying to give Ahmad an extra ratings boost on his show. There is no doubt that Michael is a better golfer than I am. Of course, if I was playing twice a day for the last 15 years, then that might not be the case.”


And the crowd goes, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Obama didn’t stop there. He drove an extra nail into the coffin: “He might want to spend more time thinking about the Bobcats or maybe the Hornets.”


No one ever said the president didn’t have jokes. When you’re dealing with his daily obstacles, you have to. Maybe the president and Jordan should settle this on the green.