O Magazine Has No Love for Stedman

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O magazine has no love for Stedman: Mediabistro's Fishbowl NY jokes that even though Oprah brags about making a "love sandwich" for her life partner, Stedman, he couldn't even get his full arm on the cover of the magazine.

Governor calls Denver's black mayor 'rising sex star': Embarrassing blooper of the week: Colorado Gov. Hickenlooper mistakenly introduced Lt. Gov. Joe Garcia as a "rising sex star" at a childhood literacy event. He often refers to Garcia as a "rising star" and a "rock star," and said later that he meant to jokingly call Garcia a "sex symbol," but slipped up. Oops.

Limbaugh has said worse about black people: Many have pointed out that while his recent comments were offensive to women, we didn't see sponsors pulling out when he said hateful and bigoted things about African Americans.


Obama, Bell and critical race theory: On CNN's Starting Point, Soledad O'Brien went head-to-head with Breitbart.com's Editor-in-Chief Joel Pollak about his characterization of the field of study and what it means for the president.