Nearly five years after he was released from prison, and nearly 27 years after he was found not guilty in the murder of ex-wife Nicole Brown and her friend Ronald Goldman, O.J. Simpson is being sued by Goldman’s father for $96 million for the murder of his son, according to TMZ.
In new court documents, Fred Goldman is applying for a renewal of his old judgment against the former NFL star running back. In 1997, Simpson was found responsible for the deaths of Brown and Goldman in a civil lawsuit where he was ordered to pay $33.5 million to the Goldman and Brown families.
In 2017, Goldman filed documents in court that would help allocate money Simpson has made over the years to help him pay the $70 million he owes to the Goldman and Brown families in the wrongful death judgment.
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In 2015, Fred said with interest, O.J. owed him $57 million. But, in the new docs, Fred now says interest has continued to pile up over the last 7 years and has now reached nearly $97 mil.
Fred has said O.J. has only made a handful of relatively small payments over the years ... and has previously argued that following Simpson’s 2018 release from prison, he’s resumed making money and should be continuing to make payments to the Goldman family.
Simpson was acquitted in the murders of Goldman and Brown in 1995 in the famous murder case that caught the attention of Americans across the United States. During his closing arguments of the trial, Simpson’s attorney, Johnny Cochran delivered the infamous quote: “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”
Years later in 2008, Simpson served nine years in prison after he was found guilty of robbery and kidnapping charges and sentenced to 33 years in prison with a minimum of nine years without the possibility of parole.
As we all know now, Simpson is now a completely free man.