NYT Columnist Charles Blow Is Not Your Negro and He’s Not Here for Trump Shade, Ever

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If you are unfamiliar with Charles Blow, let me speed you up: He’s never here for the fuckshit. He’s educated, informed and opinionated and isn’t willing to “play nice” during Donald Trump’s dictatorship.

During a late-night CNN panel, conservative Trump supporter Kayleigh McEnany thought she was going to throw shade at Mr. Blow, and she learned quickly that that is what she won’t be doing, ever.

McEnany praised Don Lemon for having her on and trying to create an open dialogue, and then she touched Blow’s arm while noting that some other publications have sinister motives.


“Don’t do that,” Blow told McEnany. “Don’t touch me and say that’s your ‘sinister motivations.’ That’s not going to happen tonight.”


McEnany told Blow that she didn’t realize that she couldn’t touch him and that maybe she should move her chair over.


“You can scoot until you fall off that ledge,” Blow replied. “What I’m telling you is don’t touch me and while you’re saying I’m sinister.”

Watch the gloriousness unfold below: