Vladimir Putin’s most beloved Russian operative walked onto the White House lawn and told the press that he was “all in favor” of “background checks like we’ve never had before.”
“I think background checks are important. I don’t want to put guns into the hands of mentally unstable people or people with rage or hate, sick people. I’m all in favor of it,” Trump said on Wednesday, according to the Washington Post.
The Washington Post also reported that NRA leader and the real president of the United States, Wayne LaPierre, spoke with Russian stooge Donald Trump and warned him that the deplorables wouldn’t sit kindly with increased background checks.
From the Post:
NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre spoke with Trump on Tuesday after the president expressed support for a background check bill and told him it would not be popular among Trump’s supporters, according to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to freely discuss internal talks. LaPierre also argued against the bill’s merits, the officials said.
This all comes after two mass shootings left 31 people dead and several dozens wounded last weekend. As we’ve all come to expect after mass shootings, Dems called for common-sense gun laws, which includes everything from background checks to a ban on military-grade weapons. Republicans pushed their usual spiel of common-sense solutions, too, including buckets of rocks in classrooms, bulletproof bubble suits, and armed robots on every American corner.
Wait, the bucket of rocks thing was actually proposed in 2018.
Trump has been all over the place on guns. First, he was all, “we should ban everything,” and then the NRA pulled his long fat tie and that tune changed. So saying that Trump supports background checks doesn’t mean anything. Watch how the narrative keeps shifting from background checks to video games and the dark web and trans people.