Not Just a Tomboy: Transgender at Age 5

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The Washington Post reported this weekend on the story of a child who, although born physically a girl, insisted that she was a boy beginning at age 2. Eventually a psychologist diagnosed gender-identity disorder. Now the parents of "Tyler" allow him to live as a boy, and the 5-year-old is reveling in his new identity.

From the Washington Post:

Kathryn wanted pants. And short hair. Then trucks and swords.

Her parents, Jean and Stephen, were fine with their toddler’s embrace of all things boy. They’ve both been school teachers and coaches in Maryland and are pretty immune to the quirky stuff that kids do.

But it kept getting more intense, all this boyishness from their younger daughter. She began to argue vehemently — as only a tantrum-prone toddler can — that she was not a girl.


“I am a boy,” the child insisted, at just 2 years old.

And that made Jean uneasy. It was weird.

“I am a boy” became a constant theme in struggles over clothing, bathing, swimming, eating, playing, breathing …


Read more at the Washington Post.