'No Father's Day' Campaign Targets Gun Violence

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While many celebrate the bond between fathers and their children on Sunday, those who lost their little ones to gun violence during the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown, Conn., are using their energy this Father's Day to raise awareness about gun violence through the e-card campaign No Father's Day, the Huffington Post reports.

Begun by the PICO National Network's Lifelines to Healing Campaign, the initiative is pushing for universal background checks and requesting that supporters send the cards to Congress.

The campaign features four different cards, each a scene of someone who no longer can celebrate Father’s Day. One, for example, depicts a father holding a book as he sits on a child's empty bed. Another shows a bride, her arm extended, but there is no father to walk her down the aisle.

"Don't let another family miss out on the joy of celebrating Father's Day because gun violence has taken a loved one away from them," the cards read. 

"These cards tell the story very powerfully that there are many fathers who will not be able to celebrate Father's Day because their children have been taken by gun violence," said the Rev. Michael McBride, director of Lifelines to Healing.

"The faith community's role and passion about this issue will not dissipate," he said. "We expect and we demand that this issue come back before this legislative session ends and give the Congress the opportunity to do the right thing."

Read more at the Huffington Post.