Thousands of people across the country Thursday evening participated in #NMOS14, a national moment of silence to peacefully protest police brutality in our country. Organized by social activist @FeministaJones, people came together in cities such as New York, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Atlanta, St. Louis and New Orleans.
Twitter and Vine users captured the moments and momentum that existed throughout the night. Although the majority of #NMOS14 was peaceful and nonviolent, it took the New York City Police Department in Times Square to show a brute act of force.
You would think that the NYPD, with the recent death of Eric Garner on its hands, would try to set an example, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case.
Thankfully, the photos that were captured and shared on social media from other #NMOS14 rallies showed people peacefully coming together as one.
This powerful movement is just one of many examples of how beneficial social media is when it comes to activism.