Nikki Haley is the former ambassador to the United Nations under former President Donald Trump.
Nikki Haley is also suffering from “Donmentia.”
Donmentia is when you no longer remember that you worked for Donald Trump and therefore try to act as if you have a spine, or a moral high ground or a leg to stand on. Usually the Donmentia sufferer will spout off some nonsensical shit that they either did or didn’t do but should have when they were in office.
From HuffPost:
On Wednesday, the former ambassador to the United Nations under then-President Donald Trump attacked the Biden administration’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan ― and especially, the administration negotiations with the Taliban, which Haley compared to “dealing with the devil.”
Granted, negotiating with a terrorist organization has bad optics ― which is why the Trump administration was also criticized when it decided to invite Taliban leaders to meet with the president at Camp David just days before the 18th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Haley either forgot that or decided to ignore it when she attempted to own those danged libs with her tough-talking tweet.
See, and that is where the problem lies. If the Donmentia sufferer would mention this in private the world would never be wiser. Sadly, one of the symptoms seems to be to spout nonsensical falsehoods to the world only to be called on them in real time.
And finally, my favorite:
CNN’s New Day, co-anchor John Berman interviewed his colleague Jake Tapper who was noticeably annoyed AF with Haley and all her bullshit.
From the Daily Beast:
“There is this attempt to memory hole the last four years under President Trump of an attempt to have a peace agreement between the United States and the Taliban,” Tapper responded, adding that Haley even praised the start of the “peace process” with the group in Jan. 2018.
“Look, I’m not faulting the Trump administration for attempting to achieve some sort of peace deal with the Taliban,” the CNN star remarked. “I mean, you don’t make peace with your friends, you make peace with your enemies. That’s how peace deals work.”
Tapper continued: “But there is this attempt by former Secretary Pompeo, Vice President Pence, Trump is all over the map on this, Nikki Haley, et cetera, and their supporters in Congress to pretend that there is something demonstrably different about what Biden did than what Trump would have done.”
HuffPost notes that this isn’t the first time Haley has suffered from Donmentia. In May, she blasted Vice President Kamala Harris for not mentioning the troops during her Memorial Day tweet and then issued a holiday tweet that ignored the military.