Nick Cannon Says He's Not Voting for President Because 'It's a Popularity Contest'

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Over the last several months, Nick Cannon has been vocal about where he stands when it comes to the Black Lives Matter movement. He's been at the forefront of several BLM rallies in New York City and has made sure he makes BLM a talking point during recent interviews. His Monday interview with Access Hollywood was no exception … but Cannon's stance on voting may have raised a few eyebrows.

Cannon once again explained that saying, "Black lives matter" doesn't mean that everyone else's lives don't.

“It’s a cry out for help; we are saying, 'Black lives matter, too,’” Cannon said. “People always say, ‘I am mad and tired about hearing about Black Lives Matter.’ We’re mad that we have to keep saying it. It is ultimately trying to drive attention towards the issue. It’s a problem about social injustice and criminal injustice.”


But he may have lost a few people when he said he wasn't planning to vote for president come November.


“I will definitely be voting in my local election. The pageantry of the presidency, I am not really for that,” he said. “I feel that local government is specific to our community. A lot of people get up there and argue and debate about Hillary or Donald Trump, and then you ask them who their city councilman is, and they say, ‘I don’t know.’”


In the end, he said, he doesn't want people to be like him, and he encouraged other people to vote.

“There is lot of people that died and fought for the right to vote. Me personally, I don’t like the pageantry of it; it’s a popularity contest,” he added.


Take a look at the interview below: