Why, oh why would thee Denver Broncos Hall of Famer Terrell Davis end up being pulled off an airplane in handcuffs? Shoot, he’s still trying to find the answer himself.
Davis took to social media detailing a disturbing account from a United Airlines he boarded with with his wife, son and two daughters from Denver to Orange County, California. He wrote in the post that he tapped a flight attendant on the shoulder for a cup of ice after they allegedly ignored his son’s request for one. He said the attendant responded in a “rude manner” and shouted, “Don’t hit me!” as he continued down the aisle of the plane. For the rest of the flight, Davis said he left the attendant alone.
“I was confused, as were the passengers in front of me who witnessed the exchange. I thought nothing of it other than this particular employee was incredibly rude and blatantly wrong in his accusations of me hitting him,” Davis wrote in his post.
Moments after landing, the captain asked everyone to remain seated before getting off the aircraft, Davis wrote. Why so? Davis said suddenly, six FBI agents boarded the plane, bee-lined to his seat and put him in handcuffs without a rhyme or reason.
“I was - and remain - humiliated, embarrassed, powerless and angry,” Davis wrote.
During questioning, the athlete said the agents determined he was wrongfully accused of acting offensively against the flight attendant and apologized for the situation.
In response to the now-viral incident, United Airlines released a statement apologizing for the situation and noting they removed the flight attendant in question from his schedule, per CBS.
In turn, Davis and his legal counsel are planning steps forward as the demotion of the airline employee was not sufficient, per CBS News. Davis told the outlet he demands an investigation into the flight attendant and is considering litigation.
“I refuse to stand by without speaking out on this disgusting display of injustice and deplorable treatment by United Airlines,” Davis said in his post.