Transgender Awareness Week is currently underway, with Sunday being Transgender Day of Remembrance.
A spokesperson for the Columbus County Schools said they have dealt with the situation.
The neighbor gave a threatening description of the young girl to the police.
14-year-old Tyre Sampson got on the FreeFall ride, a 430-foot tall drop tower. Then something went terribly wrong.
Lakeside Alliance, a joint venture of African-American-owned construction firms, is offering a $10,00 reward.
Tarrant City Council member Tommy Bryant approached Mayor Wayman Newton after a Monday night city council meeting in…
Hate Crimes against Black people in Chicago have increased by more than 50%.
Ariel Robinson brought home $25,000 after winning season 20 of Food Network’s Worst Cooks in America. She was also…
The new Twitter CEO spoke with groups such as the NAACP and Color of Change about the midterm election and his…
A new study of nearly a decade's worth of home appraisals found real differences in home values between whites and…
The original 1901 document installed poll taxes, restricted interracial marriage, and sent incarcerated Black people…
Their costumes went viral after someone published them on TikTok.
The image of the life-like doll spread across Facebook.
A proposed law would force airlines to reveal hidden fees to customers.
"Souls To the Polls," a Black voting church tradition from the Civil Rights Era, continues to push through Georgia…
There are mixed emotions about whether she deserved to lose her job.
34-year-old Sean Bickings pleaded for help as he drowned. The officers refused.
The officer said later they were just making a joke.
South High School in Torrance, California, only has a 3% student population that identifies as Black
The international conglomerate agreed to help fix Jackson's water issues a decade ago, but the contract has left the…