NewsOpinionClapback/MailbagNewsOpinionClapback/MailbagThe Root’s Clapback Mailbag: The Top 10 Clapbacks of All Time, Part 1For the next few weeks, we will select our favorite responses from the nearly 400 emails, tweets, DMs and comments…ByMichael HarriotPublishedAugust 2, 2019
NewsOpinionOpinionNewsOpinionOpinionPlease Allow Jonathan Weisman of the New York Times to Teach You About White SupremacyHere is the essence of white supremacy.ByMichael HarriotPublishedAugust 1, 2019
NewsOpinionClapback/MailbagNewsOpinionClapback/MailbagThe Root's Clapback Mailbag: The RecipeEvery Friday, The Root takes the best (or worst) emails, comments, tweets and messages from our readers and features…ByMichael HarriotPublishedJuly 26, 2019
NewsOpinionOpinionNewsOpinionOpinionA Case for Why You Should Wash Your Hands Before You Go to the Bathroom, TooA few weeks ago, while my wife and I were kicking it with some friends at a Pirates game, the subject turned to…ByDamon YoungPublishedJuly 25, 2019
NewsOpinionSome ThoughtsNewsOpinionSome ThoughtsTrump’s 'Blackground': An Exclusive Interview With Black People Who Attend MAGA RalliesBlack Trump supporters have come under increased scrutiny after a recent crowd engaged in racist chants. On…ByMichael HarriotPublishedJuly 25, 2019
NewsOpinionOpinionNewsOpinionOpinionWhere Would You Like Us to Go Back To, Mr. President?When I came to this country, America stood as a nation of hope to young children in forgotten and faraway lands. It…ByHani Garabyare (@haniyesaid)PublishedJuly 25, 2019
NewsOpinionAmerica. In Black.NewsOpinionAmerica. In Black.Straddling Two Worlds: Transracial Adoption and the Authenticity of Blackness“You are my worst fear realized,” a black woman—and complete stranger—said to me after I concluded my keynote…ByAngela TuckerPublishedJuly 25, 2019
NewsOpinionWypipoNewsOpinionWypipo#ProposingWhileBlack: Couple Says They Had Proposal Interrupted by Security Guards Who Accused Them of StealingIf this New York couple’s story is true (it’s totally true because you already know we can’t have anything nice),…ByStephen A. Crockett Jr.PublishedJuly 23, 2019
NewsOpinionClapback/MailbagNewsOpinionClapback/MailbagThe Root's Clapback Mailbag: Racism Life SupportWhen professor Henry Louis Gates founded The Root 11 years ago, he probably had no idea that its creation would one…ByMichael HarriotPublishedJuly 19, 2019
NewsOpinionOpinionNewsOpinionOpinionWhat They Mean When They Say 'Send Her Back'What is an American?ByMichael HarriotPublishedJuly 19, 2019
NewsOpinionOpinionNewsOpinionOpinionThe Unofficial Guide to Whitesplaining RacismRep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) was born in Detroit. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was born in the Bronx. Ayanna…ByMichael HarriotPublishedJuly 17, 2019
NewsOpinionOpinionNewsOpinionOpinionDear American Airlines, I Hate You With My Whole HeartOnce upon a time, not long ago, when people wore pajamas and lived life slow, my wife and I were invited to a…ByPanama JacksonPublishedJuly 16, 2019
NewsOpinionOpinionNewsOpinionOpinionIf You Helped a Racist Become the Most Powerful Person in America, Then You’re a Racist TooLegally, Lakeith Smith is a murderer.ByMichael HarriotPublishedJuly 15, 2019
NewsOpinionClapback/MailbagNewsOpinionClapback/MailbagThe Root's Clapback Mailbag: Y'all WonOf all the things I have ever written for The Root, there are a handful of articles that inspired the most material…ByMichael HarriotPublishedJuly 12, 2019
NewsOpinionOpinionNewsOpinionOpinionWhite Man Whose Son Begged Him Not to Call the Cops on Black Guy Whitesplains Why He Did ItNone of us know Christopher Cukor well enough to make cuckold jokes, but trust me, I know we all want to.ByStephen A. Crockett Jr.PublishedJuly 10, 2019
NewsOpinionOpinionNewsOpinionOpinionWe Are Meharry, Not Juul’s MarionetteWhen my alma mater—Meharry Medical College (one of only three historically black colleges and universities that…ByItalo M. BrownPublishedJuly 10, 2019
NewsOpinionClapback/MailbagNewsOpinionClapback/MailbagThe Root’s Clapback Mailbag: America, the Brutal FoolSince yesterday was America’s birthday, let’s begin the Clapback Mailbag with a patriotic song:ByMichael HarriotPublishedJuly 5, 2019
NewsOpinionWypipoNewsOpinionWypipo#NotMyAriel: White Twitter Is Big Mad About Disney Casting a Black Little Mermaid [Corrected]As the nation celebrated the national holiday that symbolizes all men being created equal, a small minority of…ByMichael HarriotPublishedJuly 5, 2019
NewsOpinionSome ThoughtsNewsOpinionSome ThoughtsWe Said What We Said: 10 Things The Root Wrote About AmericaIn the 10-plus years since The Root was founded, our writers have always celebrated the Fourth of July with the…ByMichael HarriotPublishedJuly 4, 2019
NewsOpinionClapback/MailbagNewsOpinionClapback/MailbagThe Root’s Clapback Mailbag: Math Remember the Clapback day, to keep it holy. Five days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: But the Friday is the…ByMichael HarriotPublishedJune 28, 2019