NewsOpinionSome ThoughtsNewsOpinionSome ThoughtsPlease Say 'Sike'April Fools is a white holiday and I hate it.ByMichael HarriotPublishedApril 1, 2020
NewsOpinionSome ThoughtsNewsOpinionSome Thoughts10 Things Everyone Loves but I Pretty Much HateSo there’s an unpopular opinion prompt thing going around Facebook—where you’re asked to list 10 things everyone…ByDamon YoungPublishedApril 1, 2020
NewsOpinionThe Root UniversityNewsOpinionThe Root UniversityHow to Play Black Spades, Part 3: We Finna PlayNow that you have read parts one and two of our tutorials on how to play black America’s favorite pastime, it is…ByMichael HarriotPublishedMarch 27, 2020
NewsOpinionClapback/MailbagNewsOpinionClapback/MailbagThe Root's Clapback Mailbag: What Is We Doing?Today’s mailbag is dedicated to the people who are laughed at, made fun of and dismissed as a joke. Every day, the…ByMichael HarriotPublishedMarch 27, 2020
NewsOpinionThe Root UniversityNewsOpinionThe Root UniversityHow to Play Black Spades, Part 2: The GlossaryWelcome back to The Root University’s tutorial on how to play spades.ByMichael HarriotPublishedMarch 26, 2020
NewsOpinionSome ThoughtsNewsOpinionSome ThoughtsHow to Be a Successful Writer in 2020It’s a question I’m asked during book talks, while signing books after said talks, on panels, in emails, through…ByDamon YoungPublishedMarch 26, 2020
NewsOpinionThe Root UniversityNewsOpinionThe Root UniversityHow to Play Black Spades, Part 1Wikipedia calls spades a “trick-taking card game devised in the United States in the 1930s” but that’s definitely…ByMichael HarriotPublishedMarch 25, 2020
NewsOpinionSome ThoughtsNewsOpinionSome ThoughtsAre We Obligated to Snitch on and Publicly Shame Coronavirus Deniers?If you’re the type of person who believes, for instance, that AIDS can be cured with paprika, your belief is…ByDamon YoungPublishedMarch 23, 2020
NewsOpinionClapback/MailbagNewsOpinionClapback/MailbagThe Root's Clapback Mailbag: The Caucasian VirusIn light of this global pandemic, we’ve decided to come forward and admit that our claim that we respond to our…ByMichael HarriotPublishedMarch 20, 2020
NewsOpinionOpinionNewsOpinionOpinionCoronavirus Has Exposed America's Sickness of SelfishnessWhen I was a little girl growing up in Jamaica, my schoolteachers frequently recited the phrase: “No man is an…ByIshena RobinsonPublishedMarch 19, 2020
NewsOpinionSome ThoughtsNewsOpinionSome ThoughtsA Social Distancing Silver Lining? The Complete Eradication of Small TalkIf you know me, it shouldn’t be a shock to you that this social distancing thing feels specifically tailored for…ByDamon YoungPublishedMarch 18, 2020
NewsOpinionAntisocialNewsOpinionAntisocialCoronavirus Could Be an Introvert’s Sweet Dream or an Agoraphobe’s Beautiful NightmareI think we’re alone now. There doesn’t seem to be anyone around.ByDanielle C. BeltonPublishedMarch 18, 2020
NewsOpinionClapback/MailbagNewsOpinionClapback/MailbagThe Root's Clapback Mailbag: Flashback to the FutureEach week, as I read the emails, tweets, DMs and comments for Friday’s Clapback Mailbag, I find something that makes…ByMichael HarriotPublishedMarch 13, 2020
NewsOpinionSome ThoughtsNewsOpinionSome ThoughtsYou're Working From Home, Stressed, and Want to Defeat the Coronavirus? Masturbate!In just the past 24 hours, the NBA suspended its season, the NCAA suspended most conference tournaments (and, by the…ByDamon YoungPublishedMarch 12, 2020
NewsOpinionSome ThoughtsNewsOpinionSome ThoughtsDonald Trump Will NOT Catch the Coronavirus, So Don't Pray For It to Happen or Try to Speak It Into ExistenceI’m not quite sure when exactly it happened, but at some point in the past week my coronavirus-related anxiety…ByDamon YoungPublishedMarch 9, 2020
NewsOpinionClapback/MailbagNewsOpinionClapback/MailbagThe Root's Clapback Mailbag: Black-on-Black ClapbackY’all won.ByMichael HarriotPublishedMarch 6, 2020
NewsOpinionAntisocialNewsOpinionAntisocialSpace Is the Place: Nona Hendryx Takes NYC Out of This World With the Disciples of Sun RaWhen I was a child watching reruns of Star Trek, one of the things I always wondered was … where did all the black…ByDanielle C. BeltonPublishedMarch 5, 2020
NewsOpinionClapback/MailbagNewsOpinionClapback/MailbagThe Root's Clapback Mailbag: Our Formal Endorsement for President of White AmericaThe Root hates Bernie Sanders.ByMichael HarriotPublishedFebruary 28, 2020
NewsOpinionClapback/MailbagNewsOpinionClapback/MailbagThe Root's Clapback Mailbag: The Last Refuge of the ScoundrelA wise man (I think it was Rakim...or maybe my cousin Geet) once said: “Patriotism is the last refuge of a…ByMichael HarriotPublishedFebruary 21, 2020
NewsOpinionSome ThoughtsNewsOpinionSome ThoughtsMy Life as a Black Who Flies First Class“What do you call a black man in first class?” I asked the gate agent, as I stood first in the first-class line, so…ByDamon YoungPublishedFebruary 18, 2020