This week, instead of answering each letter individually, I shall increase the level of difficulty by answering all…
Today’s mailbag is the longest we’ve ever published. But it all relates to one subject: The tone and tenor of The…
Some mailbags are different.
You know what time it is.
It’s Friday, which means it’s time to dig through the emails, tweets, messages and comments received by The Root…
As one of the world’s foremost wypipologists, my credentials are often challenged by people who aren’t familiar with…
Before we get into this week’s emails, tweets, DMs, Facebook Messages, etc, let me tell you a story:
I can tell when I’m being trolled.
One of the thing that amazes me about the people who send emails, tweets and messages to writers at The Root is…
Sometimes, when I sift through all the emails, tweets and DMs for the weekly Clapback Mailbag, I’m astounded by the…
Yesha’s not here today and today’s mailbag is pretty long so ...
Hey guys, sorry there was no mailbag last week. It’s all Yesha’s fault (Not really, but she’s not in today so ...…

Yesha’s back, which means I have to sit here and write an extended lede.
“For Caucasians so loved the world that they gave to us their white tears. That whosoever believeth in it should not…
When separating the comments, emails, tweets and messages for the mailbag each week, the correspondences usually…
It’s not my fault. You know black people—we never accept responsibilities for our actions.
Pssst! Deputy Managing Editor Yesha Callahan is off today flying to the BET Awards, so I get to break all the usual…
Deputy Managing Editor Yesha Callahan is gonna be mad at this short-ass lede, but today there’s no need to pussyfoot…
Hi, everyone, my name is Stephen A. Crockett Jr. I’m 6 feet 2 and love old movies.