The disgraced former president's legal troubles are far from over.
His September 2021 conviction also included racketeering charges.
Three abortion clinics argued the law is too vague
They are claiming that this man stole Jackson’s iPhone, driver’s license and other items.
Experts say the Supreme Court doesn't need to overturn Brown v. Board to kill its goals.
The liberal wing of the Supreme Court issued a fiery dissent from today's catastrophic abortion ruling
He specifically called out Justice Clarence Thomas
The Supreme Court Justice wrote that the cases establishing same-sex marriage and contraceptives should be revisited.
The NFL legend is being sued by Goldman's father, Fred.
Condemnation shows the SCOTUS ruling is out of step with most of the country
The Supreme Court has voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, effectively ending the constitutional right to an abortion.
Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in his majority opinion that New York's provision was in violation of the 2nd…
The case is over a man run who was run over by Knight with a pickup truck in 2015.
With a 6-3 decision, a citizen can no longer sue an officer who forgets to let them know their constitutional rights
The settlement includes new training ideas for Brooklyn Center police.
On Sway In The Morning, Smollett also said his 2021 conviction for hate crime hoax showed him who his real friends…
The family of the man Knight ran over in 2015 wants restitution.
Opening arguments began yesterday in LA in the trial of rapper's accused killer.
The police are offering $5,000 for tips that will lead to the arrest of the suspect, who they believe to be a masked…
On Wednesday, federal prosecutors urged a U.S. District Court judge to consider the sentence for Kelly to "protect…