The jury found the officer violated her Fourth Amendment rights.
The group includes two health officials who were blamed for deaths from Legionnaires disease.
The sign is allegedly in violation of the community policy.
In August, the WNBA champion was sentenced to nine years in a Russian prison for drug smuggling and possession.
Voting rights, environmental protection and Affirmative Action are on the docket this term
The state passed one o f the most restrictive voting laws in the country last year
The FBI tried to connect the late singer to "extremist" movements for four decades and failed.
Freddie Lee Trone and his teenage son were charged with one count of murder and conspiracy to commit robbery, and…
Brett Favre's Favre 4 Hope donated more than $130,000 to the University of Southern Mississippi Athletic Foundation…
The Justice Department says redlining was still alive and well at Lakeland Bank.
The suit alleges the man’s race was the reason for the incident.
The suit names several officers and the city of New Haven as defendants.
The licensing effort is a way to amend for the war on drugs, which largely impacted communities of color.
The jury found the police department 90 percent responsible for the accident.
New texts showed that the former Green Bay Packers QB pressed for funds to be used to build a new Southern Miss.…
It’s been six years since the video of her arrest went viral.
The former cop claimed the man tried to reach for his Taser.
The music exec has been charged with murder for the June shooting that occurred outside of his Atlanta restaurant.
Since 2009, Entertainment Studios had repeatedly tried--and failed--to receive a contract from the fast-food…
She claimed the company falsely made her out to be a racist.