Prohibiting people with certain felonies voting is a no-go
A man in the Atlanta-area lockup died under awful conditions. His family sued.
Cardi B gets to put the mic-throwing incident in the rearview mirror.
It's time for these guys face the music for torturing and sexually assaulting Black men.
Nearly 100 years after the Rosewood massacre occurred, a white man was convicted for attacking a group of Black men…
You'll absolutely be pissed at the details in this case.
Here's how much a federal jury awarded the mother of a Black man shot to death by two local cops.
The family of a 10-year-old boy who was killed at the festival argues that the comments from Scott’s lawyer were…
Generations of Black folks have always believed law enforcement was in on the hit. Could a lawsuit by Malcolm's…
Carlos Macci, a 72-year-old drug dealer, was arrested for drug trafficking in connection with The Wire star’s…
Alabama's Republican-led state legislature proposed a new map with only one majority-Black district. The Supreme…
Democratic attorneys general argued that the SCOTUS affirmative action decision does not apply to hiring practices…
After agreeing to plead guilty to wire fraud, identity theft, and lying to federal agents, the successful rapper is…
The Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bill which would impose sweeping ethics rules on the Supreme Court in the…
These senior VP women held roles across several big name companies such as Netflix, Warner Bros. Discovery and…
13 Republican attorneys general wrote letters to major companies warning against using race in hiring and promotions.
One of the four men charged with Williams' death faces a recommended sentence of 10 years.
Survivors and descendants of the Tulsa Race massacre appeal to the Oklahoma Supreme Court after a lower court…
This marks the second lawsuit over the school for the 'Praise God' rapper .
The Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal of Tony Clark, a death row inmate alleging prosecutors excluded Black…