Like me, Sandra Bland hailed from a “girl family.” She was the fourth of five sisters. Her siblings’ names, like…
To examine the injustice and inequality that prompted some NFL players to protest during the national anthem, each…
File this under “things we already knew but it’s good to have confirmation anyway”: a new report says putting more…
Our criminal justice system is a nightmare for those members of our society who are too poor to pay in. Traffic…
Blackout for Human Rights is urging you to be conscious about your Black Friday sale-hunting instincts and avoid…
To examine the injustice and inequality that prompted some NFL players to protest during the national anthem, each…
It seems as though the number of black men killed at the hands of police increases by at least one every day. The…
There are few people alive today whose names are as synonymous with social justice—especially for the most…
Yesterday, I vacuumed the stairs.
To examine the injustice and inequality that prompted some NFL players to protest during the national anthem, each…
On Saturday, the funeral for civil rights activist Ovide Duncantell was held at Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church in…
Much to our eternal chagrin, Floridians did not elect Andrew Gillum as governor of their deservedly designated…
To examine the injustice and inequality that prompted some NFL players to protest during the national anthem, each…
To examine the injustice and inequality that prompted some NFL players to protest during the national anthem, each…
In a righteous blow to the prison industrial complex’s enduring grab for funds from already cash-strapped…
Timothy Loehmann is the man who shot 12-year-old Tamir Rice less than two seconds after arriving on the scene of a…
To examine the injustice and inequality that prompted some NFL players to protest during the national anthem, each…
In the words of that sage of Hollywood, Robert Downey Jr., a hero is not a noun it’s a verb.
To examine the injustice and inequality that prompted some NFL players to protest during the national anthem, each…