Alabama has made a move toward loosening rapists’ hold on parental rights in the state.
Missouri’s Last-Remaining Abortion Clinic Can Stay Open for Now—but the State Has Yanked Its License
Planned Parenthood of St. Louis, which happens to be the only abortion provider left in the state of Missouri, can…
In a decision Planned Parenthood called “devastating,” a federal appeals court Thursday ruled in favor of the Trump…
The Trump administration is waging a war on women. For too long, women’s voices have been dismissed when it comes to…
What is up with these Southern states when it comes to women’s rights? (And as a proud New Yorker with deep roots in…
Ever since Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed into law a “heartbeat” bill that prohibits abortions as early as six…
Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is just as outraged as many about Georgia’s decision to…
Missouri’s only abortion clinic — The. Only. One. In. The. Entire. State. — has dodged the bullet and will remain…
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas slammed women who have abortions as heartless “eugenicists” in a 20-page…
Last week, Gov. Mike Parson—in his efforts to position Missouri as “one of the strongest pro-life states in the…
Down goes Frazier—at least, for now, when it comes to Mississippi’s new so-called heartbeat law, which bans…
Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union on Friday filed a federal lawsuit seeking to overturn…
Since passing its anti-abortion law—a law so reprehensible that cities like Los Angeles have subsequently banned…
The clearly not-so-great-state of Alabama just enacted the most extreme abortion ban since abortion was made legal…
Updated: Tuesday, May 14, 2019, 11:55 p.m. EDT: The GOP-majority Alabama Senate Tuesday passed the nation’s most…
With a stroke of a pen Tuesday, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp basically outlawed abortions in his state, signing into law…
In the ongoing, gut-wrenching, Handmaid’s Tale-like real-life saga that is the decimation of reproductive rights…
Texas lawmakers held a hearing this week on a bill that could subject women to the death penalty if they had an…
Following a slew of states with Republican-led legislatures, Georgia lawmakers approved a “heartbeat” abortion bill…
If A=B, and B=C, does A=C? Well, not always, but in the case of stress, racism and preterm birth, one researcher…