It might be time to either upgrade your face mask or start wearing two of them, as medical officials believe it will…
If I ever say I am past being surprised by the depths of mendacity that people can exhibit, please quickly disabuse…
Despite being among those most at-risk for contracting the virus, there is still no set plan on when New York…
One thing about white people: If they don’t have anything else, they have the nerve.
With the various coronavirus vaccines now circulating throughout the nation, the conversation about the pandemic has…
As we approach one full year of dealing with COVID, we’ve seen the pandemic exacerbate existing inequities and…
Officials say the new coronavirus strain that was first detected in the U.K. could drive an increased spread of the…
As anyone with a TV set or access to Blu Ivy’s internet is acutely aware of by now, Charles Barkley lives to say…
In the midst of a vaccine rollout plagued by slowdowns as well as lingering suspicions from Black Americans and…
I spent much of 2020 writing about how white people’s oppression-envy has sparked an anti-masker revolution. (I…
Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-N.J.) announced on Monday that she has tested positive for coronavirus following the…
After the first round of Paycheck Protection Program loans meant to help small businesses survive shutdowns due to…
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but 2021 won’t be that much different from 2020 if the country (and the world…
As cases and deaths from COVID-19 surge throughout the state, California’s most densely populated counties are set…
It’s been just over two weeks since the first doses of a COVID-19 vaccine were administered in the U.S. Since then,…
On Sunday night, President Donald Trump signed legislation for $900 billion in COVID relief funding along with $1.4…
The end of the year has brought with it a mutated strain of COVID-19 which reared its head in the United Kingdom…
Following a recommendation from a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advisory committee, the next…
Senate Leaders Say $600 Stimulus Checks Are ‘Just a First Step’ as Millions of Americans Shout GTFOH
Welp, it finally happened. After months of contentious negotiations between groups of people who have plenty of…
I can’t lie y’all—I’m sick and tired of the global nightmare that is the coronavirus, which is why I’m not one of…