New York City Approves 'Poor Door' for Apartment Building

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In "Separate, But Equal" news, New York City gave the green light to Extell Development so that they may install a separate entrance for affordable housing tenants, who make 60 percent or less of median income.

So, I get it. You're providing lower income tenants with the opportunity to dwell in a more expensive area of New York. But it's in a "don't get a twisted, you still a bottom bitch" type way that doesn't curl all the way over for me. I'm halfway expecting those in the affordable housing program to be standing in line outside of this "poor door" asking for gruel. Geez.

Also, I wonder if there are any consequences for entering the dough door (I made this up, just now; not the official name) when you're poor. Like, I really have this urge to go through the rich folks door and hitting them with the Bridesmaids quote, "Help me, I'm poor."


That should go over well.

Roll Call is a daily collection of interesting news stories, articles, blogs, and thinkpieces, curated by Tonja Stidhum and Natalie Degraffinried. They both have big hair, but they are not the same person.