The plot thickens. Autum Ashante, the 13-year-old prodigy from the Bronx, N.Y., became the focus of a rallying call within the media when it was announced this summer that the University of Connecticut had accepted and then rescinded her admissions. Calls for her reinstatement flooded cyberspace. And an alumna this week floated a petition for the reinstatement of the homeschooled genius.
Now NewsOne is reporting that the school says it never accepted Autum. Richard Veilleux, a spokesman for UConn, said he never confirmed Autum's acceptance for the Daily News, which broke the story. Further, another spokesman for the school told the site that her application was denied. "She applied, and her application was denied," Michael Kirk wrote in an email to NewsOne. "It was not accepted. Nothing was 'rescinded.' "
Autum's father, Batin, told the Daily News that her admissions was rescinded because she was not "academically ready."
What is going on? Is there an acceptance letter? We'd really like to know. In all of this, we've heard nothing from Autum, who is the person this story is really all about.
Read more at NewsOne.
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