Like the stop-and-frisk app released earlier this year to stop unfair targeting of black and Latinos by police in New York, now there's something similar to push back against unfairly restrictive voter-ID laws, according to Colorlines columnist Aura Bogado.
A new app called Election Protection was released yesterday that allows voters to register, find their polling locations, and report problems. Voters around the nation are already familiar with the Election Protection program, which has long fielded complaints from voters on Election Day. The increased used of smartphones, along with the increased move to suppress votes, makes the app a must-have this election season. Here are updates from some key states in which constituents are already worried about their vote.
Michigan Voters Turned Away at the Polls
We're watching primary elections this season to get a sense of the shenanigans that might occur on Election Day. Well, it's already started in Michigan. You might recall that Governor Rick Snyder vetoed a bill last month that would have required voters to mark a checkbox indicating their US citizenship—expressly because he didn't want voters to feel confused. Michigan Live is reporting that not only did Secretary of State Ruth Johnson issue ballots that included the checkbox, but that there was indeed some major confusion over it at the polls this week. Election Protection, which unveiled the smartphone app mentioned earlier, says they received complaints from throughout the state, and that "several voters were turned away."
Read Aura Bogado's entire op-ed at Colorlines.
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