Neighbor Catches Girl From 3rd-Story Fall

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When Stephen St. Bernard came home Monday afternoon from the end of his shift as a New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority bus driver, he was horrified to see that a little girl had crawled out onto an air-conditioning unit of her third-floor apartment. She was dancing on it, in a scene that looked almost certain to end in disaster. St. Bernard didn't waste any time positioning himself under the window to catch her if she fell, and when she did, she landed in his arms.

"She has no scratches or anything," he told NY1. The good Samaritan, who suffered a torn tendon in his arm, said that he doesn't consider himself a hero because "it's something that I would always do, and I would hope [others] would do if they had the chance to."

Watch the video of the fall and catch here:

Read more at NY1.
