Enes Kanter might need a better PR rep. The outspoken Boston Celtics center put a foot in his mouth on Monday when he let Fox News’ T*cker C*arlson gas him into saying Black Americans should pretty much shut up and dribble.
Kanter was on C*rlson’s show to talk about his name change — he added “Freedom” as a new surname this week—and becoming an American citizen (he was born in Switzerland and is of Turkish descent). But maybe he should’ve taken a few history classes before changing his birth certificate and passport, because it seems like he missed a few lessons about what freedom means and who really fought for it in this country.
From Mediaite
Enes Kanter is getting the least playing time of his NBA career, but he’s making more headlines than ever, lauding America’s freedoms while blasting other nations for their human rights violations.
After being sworn in as a U.S. citizen Monday and legally changing his name to Enes Kanter Freedom, the Swiss-born Turkish American joined Tucker Carlson on Fox News.
“People should feel really blessed to be in America. They love to criticize it but when you live in a country like Turkey or China, you appreciate the freedoms you have here,” Kanter said. “I feel like they should just keep their mouth shut and stop criticizing the greatest nation in the world and they should focus on their freedoms and their human rights and democracy.”
We have questions, Enes? Who’s the they that should shut up and focus on all this good freedom we have? Is it the same people you joined at a Black Lives Matter rally in 2020, protesting for freedom from police violence? Is is the families of the victims of that police violence who rarely receive justice in court?
Is it Lebron James, who’s been one of the most outspoken American athletes on social justice issues but who you say you’d like to “educate” about morals and principles? Did you educate T*cker C*rlson about morals, or did you miss his ‘documentary’ supporting Capitol rioters?
Is it possible Kanter just didn’t know C*rlson is cable TV’s living embodiment of white victimhood’s need to silence Black dissent. Maybe somebody on his team missed that while they were planning their next protest against Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
Or maybe he should take some advice from a different Fox News host before he speaks on who can and can’t criticize America.