This week, conservative bloggers have latched onto an unsubstantiated report in which an unnamed source criticizes the first lady's behavior. We use the word "report" loosely — the original story appeared in none other than the National Enquirer:
Pajamas Media, Powerline, The Lonely Conservative, and Gateway Pundit are among the far-right sites that have been peddling the National Enquirer's hate story, which attacks the First Lady as a spoiled and arrogant shopaholic with expensive taste in alcohol.
London's notoriously unreliable (and Obama-hating) Daily Mail first put the National Enquirer story in play, quoting the tabloid's unnamed sources who denounced the First Lady's "out-of-control" and "disgusting" behavior. Bloggers have linked approvingly to the Daily Mail article, effectively hyping the National Enquirer's lurid brand of check-out aisle gossip.
Source: Media Matters.
We suppose that until legitimate reports surface about Mrs. Obama doing something truly awful (like working to combat childhood obesity or, God forbid, eating another hamburger), they'll continue to get all the mileage they can out of this highly questionable story.
Read more at Media Matters.
In other news: Hill Harper Talks Cancer Diagnosis, New Book.