National Black Republican Association Endorses Donald Trump for President

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The National Black Republican Association, a self-proclaimed “grassroots activist” organization committed to “returning African Americans to their Republican roots” (i.e., “the party of Lincoln”), released a statement Friday saying that it was “pleased to announce [its] endorsement of Donald J. Trump for President of the United States of America.”

The Florida-based organization, founded in 2005, says it supports Trump because he shares its values: “We, like Mr. Trump, are fiscally conservative, steadfastly pro-life and believers in a small government that fosters freedom for individuals and businesses, so they can grow and become prosperous.”

NBRA Chair Frances Rice detailed the group’s reasoning further, saying that over the last 60 years, Democrats have run black communities into the ground, turning them into “economic and social wastelands.” She writes in part:

We are deeply concerned about illegal immigration, a major cause of high black unemployment, especially among black youth.

Black Americans across America are beginning to wake up and see clearly the reality of what is happening in black neighborhoods. Democrats have run black communities for the past 60 years and the socialist policies of the Democrats have turned those communities into economic and social wastelands, witness Detroit, Baltimore and South Chicago.

We believe that Mr. Trump has demonstrated that he can push back against the mainstream media, end political correctness and free black communities from the destructive grip of socialist Democrats.

We urge our fellow black Americans to seize control over their own destiny and leverage their vote the way other groups do. It is way past time black Americans stop having their vote taken for granted by Democrats, hold politicians accountable for the content of their policies and not vote merely based on the label of their party.


Of course, this is the same organization that called for President Barack Obama’s impeachment just a few months ago.


Trump, a prolific tweeter, who has gone on record saying “the blacks” love him, crowed about the endorsement on social media Friday:


Read more at the Black Republican blog.