Things have been tough for Stanley Young. The unemployed father is raising his eight children alone after the recent death of his wife, and now he's struggling to find a place to live before time and money run out.
Enter Nas, a rapper whose lyrics are known for showing concern for the black community. Touched after seeing Young's story on the news, Nas started a fundraising campaign on the website Crowdtilt to raise $50,000 to get the Young family out of the hotel they had to move into and into a permanent home. In a note to the family, Nas said that he could empathize with Stanley Young’s plight as a single father and connected with the profound love he showed for his children.
In addition to starting the Crowdtilt page, Nas has been campaigning heavily to raise the money on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, thanking contributors for every last penny. Happily, the campaign has already reached its goal, but it's active for the next eight days. If you're interested in helping out, you can donate here.
Read more at Clutch magazine.
Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.