House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is facing a growing swell from a group of valiant Democrats inside her own caucus who want their team to stop sitting on its hands and begin pushing for an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump.
According to ABC News, the revolt from the small faction of Democrats has grown so loud that on Wednesday morning Pelosi held a closed-door meeting with all House Democrats to address the obvious in-party rift.
On Tuesday, Mother Pelosi of the House of LeBeija, assured reporters that there was no division between House Democrats.
“We don’t have division,” she told reporters.
That was before Trump decided that he was going to swing his orange tanned belly around and block former White House counsel Don McGahn from testifying Tuesday. Several Democrats, tired of the president stonewalling all inquiries into him and his administration, came out publicly calling for an impeachment inquiry.
Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wisc.), a co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, said Trump’s refusal to allow members of his administration to testify before Congress “only enhances the President’s appearance of guilt,” and “has pushed Congress to a point where we must start an impeachment inquiry,” ABC News reports.
“Regrettably, the president’s most recent actions and continued disrespect for the Constitution are forcing us down the road to impeachment,” Pocan said.
“The president and his associates are engaging in a campaign of obstruction and lawlessness that undermines the rule of law and does not reflect the actions of someone who is ‘exonerated’ as innocent. Congress has a responsibility to conduct oversight and get the information we need to deliver the truth to the American public regarding Russia’s interference in our elections.”
“I think impeachment, what’s also tough about this conversation is when we say impeachment a lot of people don’t know what that process means in the House,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y), said. “I think that right now what we need to do is at least be on that track and at least be in the process of impeachment.”
Pelosi has tried to keep her House in order but House Democrats have grown impatient with a White House that has shown it is unwilling to cooperate. Pelosi has tried to remind her fellow members that full-on impeachment would require bipartisan support, which they don’t have.
As it stands, Michigan Republican Rep. Justin Amash is the only GOP member to have broken ranks with his colleagues publicly, noting that he believes Trump has “engaged in impeachable conduct,” ABC News reports.
Texas Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee who is not here for the fuckshit has already announced that she will introduce a “Resolution of Investigation” this week, “asking the full House of Representatives to authorize an investigation intended to determine whether impeachment powers should be exercised,” according to ABC News.
“What the American people want and deserve is deliberate and judicious action by the United States Congress,” she tweeted. “We have to educate before we activate. Just like the Nixon tapes did. I will be introducing such a resolution. The time is now that Congress refuses to accept a rejection of its legal requests.”
Democrats who favor an impeachment inquiry believe that it would help streamline their investigations and strengthen their position with the courts as they continue to fight the Trump administration for cooperation over information and testimony.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told ABC News that the decision to proceed on impeachment will ultimately be “a collective judgment” from Democrats.
“I’m not saying that the Caucus is going to vote on it, but what I’m saying is there will be discussions among the leadership and among the Caucus as to whether or not we have reached a point where it is clear that the responsibility is to move ahead on that. I don’t think we’re there at this point in time,” Hoyer, (D-Md.), told reporters Tuesday. “I don’t probably think there’s any Democrat who probably wouldn’t in their gut say, you know, he’s done some things that probably justify impeachment.
“The majority of Democrats continue to believe that we need to continue to pursue the avenue that we’ve been on in trying to elicit information, testimony, review the Mueller report, review other items that have gone on,” he continued. “And, you know, if the facts lead us to a broader action, so be it.”