NAACP releases diversity report card: In a move meant to signal the organization's re-entry into the work of advocating for greater corporate diversity and inclusion, the NAACP announced the findings from its "Opportunity & Diversity Report Card: Hotel & Lodging Industry" today. The report card grades the largest companies on their representation of African Americans and people of color as a whole with respect to workforce, supplier diversity and ownership.
Obama takes "fiscal cliff" fight to the public: The president traveled today to a toy-manufacturing facility in Hatfield, Pa., where he will make the case that Congress should immediately extend the Bush-era tax cuts on income under $250,000 per year.
Black professor attacked for asking students to disavow prejudice: Some are upset that an African-American female political science professor at Butler University asked students to disregard their "American-ness, maleness, whiteness, heterosexuality, middle-class status" when writing and speaking in the classroom — a practice that the school's arts and sciences dean defended as a way to negate students' inherent prejudices.
NYC fast-food workers strike: They're demanding higher wages as well as recognition for a new union called the Fast Food Workers Committee.