My Brother’s Keeper Gains Support of Top Female Leaders

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Women in top leadership positions in faith and community organizations across the nation have joined to sign a letter to President Barack Obama, acknowledging his work with the My Brother’s Keeper initiative.

“We believe that a successful ‘My Brother’s Keeper’ can result in stronger families, stronger fathers, stronger employees, stronger leaders; and ultimately, a stronger America. Therefore, Mr. President, we pledge our commitment to support this ground-breaking and historic initiative, which addresses the challenges facing the everyday lives of our at-risk children and youth,” the leaders, headed by the Rev. Barbara Williams-Skinner of the Skinner Leadership Institute, wrote in the letter, which was released Sunday.

On Monday the White House said that it was “very grateful for the support of the leaders who have signed this letter and look forward to working with them on this important initiative.”


Earlier in June, a group of black women and other women of color, including Alice Walker and Rosario Dawson, sent Obama a letter, “Why We Can’t Wait: Women of Color Urge Inclusion in ‘My Brother’s Keeper,’” asking that the initiative be expanded to include girls and women of color.