O Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore art thou, Romeo! Deny thy eye patch and refuse thy rumors.
Immature sat down with Nick Cannon Mornings on Power 106, which marked the first time the group had done a radio interview in 20 years. Along with discussing their journey as young stars, a certain...fashion statement became the topic of discussion.
Cannon brought up the fact that people once speculated about Romeo’s (born Jerome Isaac Jones) ubiquitous eye patch, and the rumor was that Brandy Norwood was the culprit. Well, it’s a rumor no longer!
“That’s a true story…her and [original Immature member] Half-Pint had gotten into it, she had a book in her hand and just tossed it back. Not thinking anyone was that close and cut my retina, detached it. The lens to my eye had fallen out,” Romeo recalled. Marques Houston apparently walked in soon after and Brandy scrambled to explain everything, hoping she wouldn’t get in trouble because it was, indeed, an honest accident.
In addition to that, Marques chatted about the different dynamics between Immature and spin-off group, B2K.
From Power 106:
Things get deep when Nick asked Marques about his relationship with B2K in which Houston responds, “Everything is not good,” meaning everyone has gone their own way, even though they are part of the same company. Marques also said his relationship with his group Immature comes from a real friendship. He can’t say the same for B2K, “Their dynamic is different, very different. We [Immature] are actually friends, they at work, they’re coworkers.” Despite the awkward dynamics he has no beef with anyone.
Different, indeed. In fact, the latest controversy stems from Fizz’s scandalous romantic relationship with Apryl Jones, who shares children with B2K bandmate Omarion. The scalding tea is, naturally, being served on VH1’s Love & Hip-Hop: Hollywood. Apryl and Omarion began dating in 2013 and subsequently called it quits in 2016.
Check out the complete interview below!