MSNBC's Keith Olbermann Suspended Without Pay for Political Contributions

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According to The Nation, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann has been suspended for donating money to three Democrats running for office this week. Olbermann has been suspended without pay indefinitely, although it has been suggested that his suspension is not a step toward terminating Olbermann. It's not clear if MSNBC policy is no donations at all for top staffers or all staffers, or only donations that are "approved." Olbermann anchored the 2010 midterm election night coverage. Liberal bloggers were quick to point out that MSNBC's Pat Buchanan made at least five donations to candidates in recent years. However, he is a contributor, not a host-anchor. MSNBC's Joe Scarborough donated $4,200 to a House candidate in 2006. It also recently came to light that Fox's Sean Hannity and his wife each gave $5,000 to Michele Bachmann. Neil Cavuto has also donated to candidates. Olbermann has not yet responded to the suspension, but earlier he had acknowledged the donations, saying they were his first, and hinting that this was not so bad compared with Fox's practically fundraising for candidates on its nighttime programs. Yeah, we were wondering the same thing, especially with Newscorp. donating $1 million to the Republican Governors Association. We're just saying.

Read more at The Nation.