Mother Posts Facebook Video of Herself Brutally Beating Teen Daughter

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Editor’s note: This article contains social media posts that some may find offensive.

A Georgia mother recently crossed the line when she thought she'd get back at her 16-year-old daughter. Not only did Shanavia Miller's form of discipline include brutality, but she also posted on Facebook video that showed her beating her daughter Nia with punches to the face and body.

The video has received reactions ranging from outrage that a mother could abuse her child and then post it online to statements that the teenager deserved what she got because she posted provocative pictures of herself posing with a boy in her mother's house. Miller took over her daughter's Facebook page and explained why she beat her:


After a few seconds of watching the video, I actually became sick to my stomach and had to look away. Then there was the alleged GoFundMe page that was set up.


The comment section is filled with people blasting Miller for even thinking about asking people to donate money for legal fees—fees that are allegedly needed because the police got involved and because of a possible arrest. But according to Miller's post Sunday night, the page is a fake.


Maybe Miller is trying to save face after the page was inundated with negative posts about her, or maybe someone else truly did create the page. But there's one thing that's certain: Miller did not deny beating her child.


Nia, or someone posting as Nia, made a post on Facebook Sunday evening, basically saying that she deserved to be beaten by her mother:


For the life of me, I'll never understand people who manhandle their children and think that form of discipline is OK. And not only that, they take it a step further and put their children on blast on social media as a form of punishment. Not only do I feel sorry for Nia, but I also feel sorry for her mother because she seems to be lacking in parenting skills.