Mosque Bomb Plot Foiled: California Man Arrested

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UPI is reporting that a man who police said has a history of mental problems was charged with trying to blow up the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, Mich. Roger Stockham, 63, of Imperial Beach, Calif., was arrested Jan. 24 with a car full of fireworks in the mosque's parking lot, the Dearborn Press and Guide reported Monday. Police said they received a tip about Stockham, who is an ex-convict and veteran, that led to his arrest. Hundreds of people were inside the mosque attending a funeral when police captured Stockham.

Stockham was arraigned in a state court Wednesday on threat of terrorism or false report and possession of explosives charges, the newspaper reported. Bail was set at $500,000. You can get bail when plotting to blow up a mosque full of people? We don't think this dude should be on the street. What's to stop him from trying it again? Shouldn't this act also qualify as a hate crime? We're just saying.

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In other news: Obama Adviser on Egypt Crisis: 'Mubarak's Time Has Run Out.' 
