Morgan Freeman Turns 79 For The 79th Time Today. Happy Birthday!

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They say it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert at something. (They're wrong when they say that, but they still say that anyway.) Well, iconic actor and professional stately motherfucker Morgan Freeman turns 79 today for the 79th time. Which means he's had 700,000 hours worth of practice of being 79. Which means no one has ever been or will ever be better at being 79 than Morgan Freeman is.

In honor of his 79th 79th birthday, lets look at this gallery of Morgan Freeman through the years of being 79.

Here's a 79-year-old Morgan Freeman in 1984

Here's Morgan at 79 in 1971

Here's that time God was like "Me and you are the same age so can you just sub in for me for a week?"


Here's that time he developed a kinship with the only other thing on Earth as ageless as he happens to be: this big-ass rock


Here's Morgan at the Golden Globes, cracking the hell up at the memory of a joke Denmark Vesey whispered in his ear at a speakeasy in 1791


Here's Morgan in 1989 looking surprisingly spry for a man who'd already been 79 like 43 times

And finally here's Morgan on his 179th 79th birthday in 2116