More "crap psychology" from the "Why Are Black Women Less Attractive?" author: According to Jezebel, before Satoshi Kanazawa got into the "black women are ugly" business, he made it his mission to oppose feminism, which he defines as "the radical notion that women are men." Here's a junk-psychology gem of his from a few years back: "If monkeys and nonhuman apes routinely engage in prostitution, as the research by de Waal, Chen and Santos, and others seems to indicate, and if the evolutionary origin of prostitution thus dates back long before we were human, then it means that prostitution is evolutionarily familiar. If prostitution is evolutionarily familiar, then men's brain should be able to recognize prostitutes and to treat them differently from "ordinary" women, whom they do have to impress if they want to have sex with them. In other words, there should be an evolved "hooker module" in the brain."
New black network will focus on psychographics, not demographics: Punch TV Network is slated to launch on DirecTV this summer as the newest channel targeting African Americans. How will it compete with BET and TV One? Joseph Collins, Punch Television Network's chief executive officer, says that while "BET targets the 18- to 30-year-old demographic [and] TV One targets African Americans over the age of 30," Punch will find its audiences "based upon psychographics and not merely demographics." Psychographics? He explains that, instead of focusing on a particular age group, it will be "designed to quench African American[s'] thirst for innovative programming.”
Magic Johnson discusses living with HIV for 20 years: When Magic Johnson famously announced that he was HIV positive, it wasn't clear how long he'd live. Twenty years later, he talked to Newsweek about his struggles, fears and triumphs. He said he wakes up at 4 a.m. each workday and jogs five miles to the offices of Magic Johnson Enterprises, where he oversees movie theaters, Starbucks stores and other businesses in long-neglected urban neighborhoods. And he knows how lucky he is to have remained AIDS free. "I'm blessed that the medicine I take really worked well with my body and makeup. It doesn't work like that for everyone. A lot of people haven't been as fortunate as I have," he said.
In other news: Grant Hill and Jalen Rose Team Up for Leadership Academy.
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