More Black Parents Are Homeschooling Their Kids

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According to the National Home Education Research Institute, African-American children make up 15 percent of the 2 million children who are being homeschooled in America. Parents say the failing education system and the lack of curriculum focused on African-American history has prompted them to take matters into their own hands. "That is the No. 1 reason … the black curriculum," said Joyce Burgess, who with her husband founded the National Black Home Educators organization, based near Baton Rouge, La. "They've taken black history out. It wasn't just Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth … and Harriet Tubman. It was also Condoleezza Rice, Shirley Chisholm; it was also Marian Anderson and the Tuskegee Airmen. They're heroes, and our children need to learn about our heroes."

Read the rest of this story at the Chicago Tribune.