Monday's Headlines

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USAT: +10: Columbine Survivors Remember Madness a Decade Later

NYT: Prisoner Waterboarded 183 Times; CIA: "If at First You Don't Succeed…"

HP: Some Give Prez a FAIL Over CIA Treatment; In Other News, GOP Suddenly Loves Obama

CNN: CBC Mad at Prez Over Conference, Not Asking Their Permission for Stuff in General


AJE: Pirates Seize Belgian Ship, Raise Cain When It Is Not Full of Waffles

BBC: Report: UK 'to Grow in 2010'; Lex Luthor:"Is That So?"

DB: Ali: Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Race Baiter

AP: Sunday Morning Talk Shows Showcasing More Blacks; White House Doing Same

ABC: And Then the Locusts Came: Some in GOP Look for Gay Marriage Support

LAT: SAG OKs New Contracts; Actors Free to Re-Make Old Movies, TV Shows

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