Gabriella Bambii, an aspiring model based in the United Kingdom, shocked Instagram when she shared harrowing images of injuries she sustained after being thrown out of a moving vehicle by her ex-boyfriend. Bambii wrote:
This night be a little graphic but I just want to let everyone know that I am okay. I am a survivor of domestic violence with a boy I dated for 8 months … The skin on my shoulder has been completely skinned. And i have bruising on my rib cage, neck, and my muscles. I was kicked out of a moving vehicle, then beaten and dragged, as I blacked out and was left lying there in my own puddle of blood. Doctors said I could have died if not made it when I did. I am so blessed and beyond lucky to be alive and have so much support from friends, family, and strangers. As I try to recover I ask to please keep me in your prayers. I have to wear a neck brace for 3-4 weeks, an arm cast and I can barely walk for now. Thank you for all the love. I hope to be an inspiration to women and anyone involved in domestic violence.
In response to critics who went on strange victim-blaming rants, Bambii wrote that she shared the photos to encourage women to leave before "it gets this extreme."
Hello Beautiful's Danielle Young reports that Bambii's boyfriend was arrested and has since been released on bail. The photos have been taken down, but Bambii later posted video footage of her injuries. Warning: Video below is graphic.
Akoto Ofori-Atta is the editor of The Grapevine. Like her Facebook page and follow her on Twitter.
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