Ben S. Carson, a professor emeritus of neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins, writes at the Washington Times that although blacks have made tremendous strides since Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, the civil rights leader would be disheartened by the epidemic of "black-on-black violent crime" and the erosion of family values in the community.
If King could be resurrected and see what was going on in America today, I suspect he would be extraordinarily pleased by many of the things he observed and disappointed by others. He, like almost everyone else, would be thrilled to know that there was a two-term black president of the United States of America and a black attorney general, as well as many other high government officials, business executives and university presidents.
Perhaps just as thrilling would be the sight of black doctors, lawyers, airline pilots, construction foremen, news anchors, school superintendents and almost any other position imaginable in America. The fact that seeing blacks in such positions no longer raises eyebrows is a testimony to the tremendous progress that has been made in America over the last 50 years.
There are some areas, however, where I suspect he might be less than thrilled. The epidemic of black-on-black violent crime indicates that there has been a significant deterioration of values in the black community. Not only are the lives of their fellow blacks and others being devalued by street thugs, but the lives of unborn babies are being destroyed in disproportionate numbers in the black community.
Read Ben S. Carson's entire piece at the Washington Times.
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