Mississippi Middle School Separates Class-Officer Positions Based on Race

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Just in the nick of time for the start of school, Nettleton Middle School in Mississippi is holding elections for class officers. The problem is that the offices are divided by race in terms of who can run for them. The Smoking Gun got the memo, which was given out to all sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade students at the public school, from a parent. Children running for class-officer posts at Nettleton are only allowed to compete for certain positions based on their race. Of the 12 offices for which students compete, eight are earmarked for white students (including the three class-president spots), while four are termed "black" seats. We think that this is a case of people confusing 2010 with 1910 — not to mention the world is made up of more than just blacks and whites, unless they're real old-school with it: If you're not white, you're black. We won't even touch being biracial in this so-called election. Clearly, Mississippi is still burning.

Read more at The Smoking Gun.